Thursday, March 4, 2010

Socceroos World Cup South Africa

Every time there is another Socceroos game the World Cup buzz lingers for days. Two good bits to look at on BBC Africa. The first one is the African experience of trying to by world cup tickets. It took Sportsnet Holidays over a year to get World Cup tickets & World Cup Tour accreditation and corporate hospitality rights and we had a heap of experience in Africa. The process was tough but fair. You have to feel for those guys, even if we moan it makes you feel lucky we have such good systems in Australia. The other good one is a Soccer Fans Guide to Cape Town a great city which will be packed with Socceroos fans. Looking forward to the Socceroos vs the Kiwis at the G. Remember the last World Cup send off match, for those of not going it should be a great atmosphere.

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