Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ashes Tour Packages & Ashes Tickets

Ashes Tour for 3 mobile Ashes Test Series 2010-11.

Ashes Tour Packages are the hottest Sports Tour packages of 2010 -2011. The five match Ashes Tour in Australia is due on general release by about the 05th March 2010. Sportsnet Holidays Ashes Tour packages will have Ashes tickets & hotels from 3 to 5 star in every major city & we are looking at a lead in price from about $600 per person for a 3 star hotel for 3 nights and two solid days of Ashes Cricket. With our extensive experience in AFL Footy, NRL & V8s we have great hotel deals in every city which we have locked in. However getting access to the Ashes Tickets to the Australian tests is always a huge challenge & we have wait until general the release of the tickets. In the mean time if you want more than just a ticket stay tuned & here are the dates for the Australian Ashes Series below. If the Long Form of our game is not your bag we have the Twenty20 World Cup and the Pakistan vs Australia games in London to satifiy your desire for some crash & bash action.

Ashes Test Dates are out.

The Gabba Ashes Test Nov. 25-29
Adelaide Ashes Test Dec. 3-7
Perth Ashes Test Dec. 16-20.
Melbourne Ashes Test (Boxing Day Test) Dec. 26-30
Sydney Ashes Test Jan. 3-7.

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