Monday, February 16, 2009

Sports travel is the best reward or incentive to use in product promotions or loyalty programs.

One of the fun things about being involved with a successful sports travel and sports tours company is getting involved with sports personalities and the media. Most people do get a thrill (me included) when they see something they have done, organised or been in appear in the media. We have always tried to develop relationships with marketing companies and brands who are looking for product promotions and prizes to utilise in a marketing campaign or to use for their loyalty and incentive marketing.

I read a survey once that basically said employees and customers like; time off, cash or travel as a reward or incentive. While there is plenty of big travel brands out there we have made a great niche for ourselves combining sports and travel for use in loyalty programs and product promotions and it's allot of fun. Lets face it we all like to travel and we all like to attend big name events. So last year I had the buzz of walking around a supermarket chain knowing we were the guys sending the prize winner to their choice of one of the worlds greatest sporting events. Similarly I also got the buzz each time I opened a certain chocolate bar to see another one of our promotions which included a well known local TV personality, what can I say chocolate, travel, sport and celebrity, if only i could have got red wine in there it would have been near perfect.

Although we have developed a good rapport with a TV station and a couple of well known incentive marketing agencies you don't get many employee incentive bookings or household name product promotions is a week but when they come it really adds to the buzz about the place, if only I could stick our brand name all over them then everything would be perfect.

We got a few on the boil at the moment, a large building company supplier and Pedders is being rolled out right now.

What do you think ? Are sports travel experiences the best way to promote a product or develop customer and staff loyalty ?

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